Don't Make These Weight Loss Mistakes

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Let’s jump into this weeks discussion ⬇️

Mistake 1: Thinking You are Unique

Whenever I talk to someone for the first time to discuss their goals and talk through what’s worked or not worked for them in the past one of the questions I’ll ask is:

Q: What do you think the reason is for being where you are now?

And one of the answers I will most likely receive is:

A: I can’t seem to lose weight, I don’t even eat that much and I don’t eat any bad food.

There’s two issues with this response, firstly the notion that you’re somehow a human being outside the laws of balance, and secondly that weight loss pivots only around eating good food.

Solution: The Balance Equation

Unless there are very, very specific reasons why you can’t shift your weight, then you just need to follow the simple balance equation:

Maintenance Calories - Calorie Deficit + Weight Training + NEAT + Protein (& a sprinkle of patience)
What is NEAT?

NEAT stands for Non exercise activity thermogenesis.

But it’s really just a fancy term for activities that you do that are separate from exercise eg walking, gardening etc.

Mistake 2: Guessing

If you’ve ventured into the world of being in a calorie deficit, maybe you started off well tracking some calories, then you thought

“I can probably keep this up from memory”

You’ve entered into a guessing game, and guessing games don’t end well.

It’s impossible to remember the small things, like the milk in your tea or coffee or that small snack you picked up on the way to work. Trying to do it this way will result in a mismatched result, and you’re more likely to be in the same position as those people who answer my question above.


Find a way of keeping track of things that works for you, it doesn’t have to be typical calorie counting , but there are many ways in today’s fitness and health tech world in which you can do this.

Mistake 3: Too Much Too Fast

Hyper motivated people often want to see fast results and as a result will commit to some obscene diet plans. Most of them revolve around huge calorie deficits which seem to deliver great results in the short term, but they often don’t develop the long term habits needed to change your entire lifestyle. As a result it looks like this:

As you can probably imagine, this isn’t the best way to be living your life.


Take the time to do things properly, sure it takes you longer than if you were to on a crash course. But in the long term you set yourself up to be more successful in the long run.